Towards real
Green IT
Deleting attachments from your emails, is it really worthwhile? How to maximise the life of your telephone? Does watching your series in HD have any impact on the environment? Are these questions going through your mind? Then you are in the right place!
In the Spotlight
Good practices, events, news… All the information to lighten our digital practices is here!
- Good practice
Unplugging unused office equipment
Unplug unused office equipment whenever possible, in particular at the end of the day and at weekends. It is better to switch it off… - Good practice
Limiting the purchasing of equipment
The environmental impact of digital technology is principally attributable to the manufacture of our equipment. It is therefore important to…
There’s always something you can do!
In France, digital pollution is:
Source : ADEME-Arcep 2022
of greenhouse gas emissions, the same amount as the waste sector!
of national electricity consumption
of our environmental impact comes from the manufacture of our devices
(TVs, smartphones, connected watches, etc.).
million devices, i.e. more than 10 devices per person on average!!