ADEME undertakes to make its websites, intranet, extranet and mobile applications, etc. accessible in compliance with article 47 of French law no. 2005-102 of 11 February 2005.
To this end, it implements the following strategy and actions:
- Schéma pluriannuel de mise en accessibilité des actifs numériques de l’ADEME pour 2024-2026 [ADEME long-term digital asset accessibility plan for 2024-2026]
- Annual plan for the current year
This declaration of accessibility applies to the website.
The website is in partial compliance with the French General Accessibility Guidelines (RGAA) version 4.1.2. The non-compliances and/or waivers are listed below.
This declaration was drawn up on 28 October 2024.
The compliance audit conducted by the company « CONSERTO » revealed that :
- 86.2% of the RGAA criteria were respected.
The average compliance rate of the online service is 95.7% (optional information).
Among 557 criterias :
● 533 criterias are conformed
● 24 criterias are non-conformed
The content listed below is not accessible for the following reasons.
Only the non-conformities judged with the greatest impact and present in significant quantities in the sample pages are listed. On request, the complete audit results can be provided.
- Some informational images have irrelevant text alternatives.
- On the pagination element, the information about the active page is only conveyed through color.
- Some interactive elements do not communicate their state to assistive technologies in a meaningful way.
Mandatory Elements
- The source code of some elements is not valid according to W3C standards.
Information Structuring
- On some pages, the structure of headings does not reflect the structure of the page.
- Some lists are not structured appropriately.
Presentation of Information
- The structure of some elements is no longer relevant once stylesheets are disabled.
- Some interactive elements cannot be closed without moving the focus.
Waivers for disproportionate workload
Content not subject to accessibility requirements
Technologies used for the creation of this website
User agents, assistive technology and tools used to verify accessibility
The Web page tests have been conducted with the following combinations of Web browsers and screen readers:
- NVDA 2023.3 and Chrome
- NVDA 2023.3 and Firefox
The following tools were used at the time of the assessment :
- Contrast Color Analyser
- Assistant RGAA V4.1
- Web Developer toolbar
- Inspector of Web browsers
Site pages checked for compliance
- Bonnes pratiques :
- Accueil :
- Numérique responsable :
- Accessibilité :
- Mentions légales :
- Qui sommes nous :
- Plan du site :
- Entreprises et collectivités :
- Exemple de bonne pratique :
- Exemple de bonne pratique :
- Actualités :
- Je passe à l’action – organisation :
- Ressources :
If you are unable to access any content or service, you may contact the website manager in order to be directed to an accessible alternative or to obtain the content in another form. To do so, please send a message to the following e-mail
This procedure should be used in the following cases.
You have notified the website manager of a lack of accessibility that is preventing you from accessing content or services on the portal and you have not received a satisfactory response.
- Write a message to the Defender of Rights (Défenseur des droits) (
- Contact the delegate of the Defender of Rights in your region (
- Send a letter by post (free of charge, do not affix a stamp) Défenseur des droits
Libre réponse 71120 75342 Paris CEDEX 07
Validity of this Declaration of Accessibility
The declaration of accessibility is valid from its date of publication. It shall be updated:
- at the date of any substantial modification or redesign of the website concerned.
- 3 years after the date of publication of the declaration, or,
- 18 months after the date of publication of a new version of the frame of reference, for those applying the technical method.
However, it may be worthwhile to update the declaration of accessibility more regularly, even with the same version of the technical method, in order to highlight the efforts made and update the percentage of criteria complied with.
Publication of this Declaration of Accessibility
The declaration of accessibility shall be published on the Internet in an accessible format.
With regard to websites, the declaration of accessibility shall be published on the website concerned. It shall be made available on an accessibility page, which is directly accessible from the home page, and from any page on the website.
With regard to mobile applications, it shall be available on the website of the body that developed the application or appear with other available information at the time of downloading the application. Compliance status shall be specified within the application.
With regard to other online public communication services, it shall be available on the website of the bodies responsible for their management or for making them available.
The declaration of accessibility is submitted via a remote service in accordance with the procedures laid down jointly by the Minister for Disabled People (Ministre chargé des personnes handicapées) and the Minister for Digital Affairs (Ministre chargé du numérique).
Response to users
The body concerned shall provide users with the means to make complaints regarding the accessibility of its online public communication services. It shall acknowledge receipt of such complaints in accordance with the provisions of article R112-3 of the Code of Relations between the Public and the Administration (Code des relations entre le public et l’Administration). The acknowledgement of receipt shall include the information mentioned under article R112-5 of this Code.
The body concerned shall respond to any complaint within one week of the date at which it was sent. If the user’s complaint raises one or more complex issues justifying a longer period for looking into the question, the response will indicate a reasonable time frame for the final response. The complex nature of the issues raised shall be duly substantiated.
Users shall identify themselves in their claim by following the directions of article R112-9-1 of the same Code.
If the information provided by the user in their complaint is incomplete or insufficiently clear, the body concerned shall ask them to complete or clarify the information and shall inform them of a reasonable deadline for dealing with their complaint or its final response after receipt of the requested additional information.