At the level of my organisation

Adopting responsible management of end-of-life equipment

Starting out
High impact
#Circular economy

When a piece of equipment is no longer functional, you can:

  1. Attempt to repair it and reuse it within your organisation:
  • By putting a dedicated service in place within your organisation
  • By calling in a repairer
  1. Reuse it for external purposes: set up a contract with a collection and reconditioning company for equipment that is still functional. It can be reused for the benefit of other businesses and the general public. 
  2. Call upon a producer responsibility organisation (éco-organisme) for the management of WEEE, which will give priority to the reuse of your waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) before recycling it (e.g. the Ecologic and Ecosystem producer responsibility organisations). Moreover, it is free!

Don’t forget to keep a waste register!


You can rely upon the Quali’répar directory to find a partner repairer.