At home

Avoid watching or filming videos in HD or UHD

Building on the basics
Very high impact
#Adapting my Web practice

More and more new devices and streaming platforms enable access to HD and indeed Ultra HD quality. Yet, digital pollution increases exponentially according to the quality of the video watched. Not to mention the fact that smartphones do not enable you to appreciate HD or UHD.

Remember to deactivate this setting and choose a level of definition that enables you to enjoy your content with a quality that remains satisfactory! 

Moreover, when filming or taking photos, adjust your settings: not everything requires HD or UHD quality. You should also avoid burst or live modes.

When sending videos and photos, you thus considerably reduce the amount of memory used, both for yourself and for the recipients.


Here is how to adjust the definition of your videos for each platform.
⚠️ Beware, certain platforms encourage you to increase the quality of your videos, but nevertheless it is really a matter of reducing definition while still enjoying high-quality content.