At the level of my organisation

Incorporate an environmental, social and ethical approach into your marketing and communications projects

Becoming a pro
Very high impact

Marketing and communications are often the driving force behind Web projects, it is therefore important to think about the sustainability and responsibility of your approach. Take the time to critically assess the usefulness of your projects: Do you really need to create new content on a subject that has already received an excessive amount of attention? Do you have new information to pass on? Is video really the RIGHT format for delivering your message? Wouldn’t another simple format be more effective? Is this new website really essential for achieving your goal? 

If, after this period of reflection, your project still proves to be relevant, there are a number of tools enabling eco-design of your digital services.


Numerous guidelines and regulations (RGAA, GDPR and RGESN) can be consulted in order to help you to adopt an environmental, social and ethical approach. Do not hesitate to consult the responsible publicity and communications website which can provide support for your projects.


For your websites, you may consult the Designers Éthiques Guide to eco-design and digital services

Links to frames of reference: