You can accurately measure the environmental footprint of digital technology in your company using the RCP SI (IS product category framework) method. This will also enable you to calculate the impacts avoided thanks to your digital sufficiency strategy!
- You can make measurements of this kind:
- on the basis of several different environmental criteria in order to avoid pollution transfers, i.e. the transference of impacts from one stage of the life cycle to another, or from one environmental criterion to another (LCA method).
- On the basis of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions: the assessment should cover Scope 3 (= upstream and downstream GHG emissions connected with the manufacture and end-of-life of equipment used within the company).
⚠️ measurement should never be an end in itself! There is no need to wait for a highly precise measurement before beginning to take action. The sooner the better!
For example, you can use an open source tool NumEcoDiag (for a product or service) that complies with the RCP SI (IS product category framework) methodology.